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Minamida Onsen Hotel Apple Land

Minamida Onsen Hotel Apple Land

Minamida Onsen Hotel Apple Land
Minamida Onsen Hotel Apple Land
Minamida Onsen Hotel Apple Land
Minamida Onsen Hotel Apple Land

Hirakawa, blessed with rich nature, is a treasure trove of hot springs.
Hotel Apple Land is one of the more popular ones, with natural source onsen waters that beautify the skin. It’s specialty is the “Apple Bath,” a tub full of bobbing apples. Enjoy their sweet and sour aroma while you soak! (Available until 15:00). It has many other baths to enjoy, as well, such as the “Manten Bath” with bamboo charcoal, or private cypress baths to rent.

Business Hours 1F West Wing: Open: 10:30 am Close: 2:30 pm

1F Annex: Open: 9:00 am Close: 9:00 pm
Price 1F West Wing: 500 yen
1F Annex: Open: 400 yen
Address 166-3 Minamita, Machii, Hirakawa-shi, Aomori
Transportation Hirosaki Station Konan Railway
Hirosaki Station - Hiraka Station (13 minutes) - 15 minutes walk.
20 minutes by shuttle bus from Hirosaki Station's Jotoguchi Exit (Reservations required)
Parking lot Available
Contact Minamida Onsen Hotel Apple Land
Tel 0172-44-3711