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Michi no Eki Nijinoko Park (Roadside Station)

Michi no Eki Nijinoko Park (Roadside Station)

Michi no Eki Nijinoko Park (Roadside Station)
Michi no Eki Nijinoko Park (Roadside Station)
Michi no Eki Nijinoko Park (Roadside Station)
Michi no Eki Nijinoko Park (Roadside Station)
Michi no Eki Nijinoko Park (Roadside Station)
Michi no Eki Nijinoko Park (Roadside Station)

Michinoeki Nijinoko is right next to Aseishi-gawa Dam, which is the largest in the prefecture and called “the water carrier of Tsugaru”. The park is equipped with large play equipment and mini-golf, making it perfect for the whole family. The restaurant Niji no Ko Rest House serves its famous Dam Curry and Kuroishi’s specialty, Tsuyu Yakisoba, and there is a collection of stalls serving fresh, chewy donuts and more.

Business Hours Open: 9:00 am Close: 5:00 pm
Price Free *Some facilities are charged
Holiday November to March
Address 1-5 Yamagami, Okiura, Kuroishi-shi, Aomori
Transportation By Car: Leave the Tohoku Expressway at the Kuroishi IC, take national highway 102 towards Lake Towada for about 15 minutes.
By Bus: Take the Nurugawa Line from Konan Railway Kuroishi Station for about 30 minutes. Get off at Niji no Ko Koen.
Parking lot Available
Contact Michi no Eki Nijinoko Park (Roadside Station)
Tel 0172-54-2348