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Kawasaki Dye Works

Kawasaki Dye Works

Kawasaki Dye Works
Kawasaki Dye Works
Kawasaki Dye Works

Kawasaki Dye Works is next to Hirosaki Castle. The building has stood since the Edo era, and overflows with atmosphere. You can try your hand at Tsugaru natural indigo dyeing here. Every dye is different depending on when it was made, so you can make your own, unique item.

Business Hours Throughout the year
Session Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Approx. 60 min.
Price Different depending on Experience content
Address 63 Kamenokomachi, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori
Transportation Take Konan Bus toward Hamanomachi from JR Hirosaki Station and
about 15 minutes ride. Get off at Kamenokomachi Kado.
It’s a short walk from Kamenokomachi
Contact Marutomi Kawasaki Dye Works
Tel 0172-35-6552