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Fukaura Tuna Steak Bowl

Fukaura Tuna Steak Bowl

Fukaura Tuna Steak Bowl
Fukaura Tuna Steak Bowl

Aomori is number one in fish catch! Fukaura’s new local specialty, Fukaura Tuna Steak Bowl, uses loads of fresh local tuna caught from the local seas. The tuna is served sashimi, seared on one side, and seared on both sides for a variety of flavors, and there are three kinds of sauce as well. You can try for yourself at 7 participating shops in Fukaura.

Business Hours Differ depending on store
Price 1,500 yen
Address 84-2 Nawashirozawa, Fukaura, Fukaura-machi, Aomori
Transportation Varies by shop.
Contact Fukaura Town Office, Tourism Division
Tel 0173-74-2111