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Ajigasawa Flounder Bowl

Ajigasawa Flounder Bowl

Ajigasawa Flounder Bowl
Ajigasawa Flounder Bowl
Ajigasawa Flounder Bowl
Ajigasawa Flounder Bowl

The Ajigasawa Flounder Bowl is made with locally caught flounder, grown where the clear waters running from Shirakami Sanchi flow into the Sea of Japan, seasoned and piled on rice. Individual shops all have their own sauce and meal sets. Some shops even top it with soup stock, so trying different styles is a pleasure on its own! Please note that availability depends on the flounder catch, so it may sometimes be limited.

Business Hours Differ depending on store
Price Differ depending on store
Holiday Differ depending on store
Transportation Hirosaki Station - Ajigasawa Station (90 minutes).
Contact Ajigasawa Town Policy Promotion Division, Tourism, Commerce and Industry Section
Tel 0173-72-2111