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Inakadate Relics Museum

Inakadate Relics Museum

Inakadate Relics Museum

Designated a national historic landmark, this hall has displays about the Yayoi period rice paddy ruins of Tareyanagi.
It’s central display is the chemically preserved remains of a rice field and irrigation canal from 2100 years ago, discovered at the Takahi ruins. You can walk freely through the 140sqm paddy as well as view the 12 displays of Prefectural Important Cultural Assets such as fossilized rice, deep clay pots and stone axes.
The Inakadate Village Museum is connected.

Business Hours Open: 10:00 am Close: 5:00 pm (Last entry: 4:30 pm)
Price Adult: 300 yen
Middle and high school students: 200 yen
Child: 100 yen
Holiday Every Monday
*Closed on the following day if it is a holiday, New Year's Holiday
Address 63 Omagari, Takahi, Inakadate-mura, Aomori
Transportation Take Konan Railway from Hirosaki Station to Tanbo art Station, about 23 minutes. It's about 5 minutes walk.
Parking lot Available
Contact Inakadate Relics Museum
Tel 0172-43-8555
Email dennenmirai@sirius.ocn.ne.jp