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Tatsudomari Line(Chokandai)

Tatsudomari Line(Chokandai)

Tatsudomari Line(Chokandai)
Tatsudomari Line(Chokandai)

Visitors can follow National Highway 339 northbound, which connects Kodomari to Tappizaki(Tatsudomari Line). Once you reach the destination, Chokandai, the highest point, will offer you 360 degree view. One can enjoy the sights of the Tsugaru strait and the coast of Hokkaido. The Hokkaido Shinkansen runs along this seaside.

Holiday Winter Closure Period (Mid November to mid April)
Address Kodomari, Nakadomari-machi, Aomori
Transportation Approximately, a 60 -minute drive, due north, from Tsugaru-Nakasato Station.
Parking lot Available
Contact Marine products commerce and Tourism Division,
Town of Nakadomari
209 Momijizaka, Nakasato, Nakadomari-machi, Aomori
Email kankou@town.nakadomari.lg.jp